TÔ NA REDE, an initiative of the Institute for Relational Policies (IPR), is part of the Global Libraries project of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is also the sponsor of the action in Brazil. TÔ NA REDE proposes to increase the engagement of public libraries with the community and the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by library staff to better serve the information needs of the community. The project foresees the completion of all its activities in 12 months in each region served and has already been carried out in Arapiraca - AL, Belém - PA, São Paulo - SP and is underway in Recife-PE.
MOB PERNAMBUCO - The meeting took place on May 23, 2017 and was the launch of the project in Pernambuco - Brazil with lectures, debates and exchanges of experiences with people who have made a difference, in Brazil and abroad, in favor of very common. The proposal is to engage the largest number of people in building a new society, strengthening cultural citizenship, through public libraries so that they increasingly meet the information needs of their community, and together they can transform people's lives into around you. It was an achievement of the Institute of Relational Policies in partnership between Regra3, State Coordination of Public Libraries of Recife, Secretary of Urban Security of the municipal government.