Regra3 is a Social Responsibility company specializing in uniting the three main pillars of Brazilian structure, public, private, and the third sector. Our mission is concrete social transformation, so we invest in transparent, continuous projects, policies, and actions, with a higher purpose in a powerful social impact.
Our system connects private companies, organizations, and government, meaning each one's importance for ethical and sustainable social development.
We invest in the Corporate Social Responsibility of companies instituting, improving, offering to consult, and managing the SR department, ensuring strategic planning aligned with the interests and values of the brand with the actions established.
We meet the social demand from the strategy designed with the client group through partnerships with the Third Sector, through our social department and the interconnection between projects and the public authorities.
Within this scenario, we choose and audit serious and transparent initiatives, developing projects when necessary, considering each client's diligence.
Our main goal is to engage companies in the social sphere to build a new corporate philosophy, ensuring that the Social Responsibility sector occupies a strategic space with a real understanding of the social impact it can develop and the brand benefits acquired with the investment.
Our values and mission align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals prepared in 2015 for the next 15 years. Regra3 was founded in the same year, and we believe that we can transform the reality of Brazil in the coming years as part of this inclusive and collaborative plan of good.